In 1990, DAD bought its office building in the Novi Sad city center. We opened our retail store, and later on, moved our offices there.
Our business survived the following crises, hyperinflation, collapse of Yugoslavia and war, due to our orientation to stop trading, and to start manufacturing and doing services.
In 1995, we established AD DESIGN, the part of our company which worked in the field of design, and pre-press services, as well as large format digital printing.
In August 1998., we started the reconstruction of our office building, and it turned our business orientation towards real-estate, construction and investment services.
Until the March of 1999 (start of NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia), we produced pastry and cookies and sold them to more than 150 retails in Novi Sad, 250 retails in Belgrade, as well to many retail store around Vojvodina and Serbia.